Sunday, February 20, 2011

My 3 A's philosophy to living a good life

Acts, Attitude, and Appreciation

Winston Churchill once said "the truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, and ignorance may derive it, but in the end, there it is."


How many times have we needed of someone's help in order to complete a task? How many times have we desired that someone would come and aid us in solving a problem we have at hand? How many times have we wished for a person to come and lend us a helping hand without the need of asking for it? We wish, hope, pray, expect people to do acts of kindness towards us out of pure love and concern... I believe a better question is, how many times have WE done any of these things for another person? An even better question, how many times have we done these things out of pure love, without the need of being asked for our help? 

We are all in this planet together, not individually, otherwise we would each have our own bubble of air to keep separated from the rest. We are here to grow as humans, (originally known as Homo sapiens[3][4]Latin for "wise man" or "knowing man"). It is actions of faith, trust and love that unite us, and fortify us. Actions of hate and violence separate us and thus pushes us further and further to perdition. 

When we perform acts of love and care towards others not only are we creating a better world for everyone and our next generations, but we are also strengthening ourselves in the same process. Honestly, who that hasn't helped someone else has not felt an indescribable feeling of love just pouring from the inside out? When we have these type of feelings, it seems that everything else like our problems are so much more bearable, because we are focused on the good things of life, the bad things start to slowly lose meaning and importance. And let alone how we feel, the people receiving this help feel much more appreciated... (we'll talk more about that in the last section)


Our attitude make all the difference. When you walk into a restaurant, you expect two things: one, that the food will be delicious, two, that the waiter/waitress provides a friendly and caring service throughout your visit. The point is, "quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten". It doesn't matter how big your act of help towards somebody is, if your attitude shows discontent, or unwillingness the person will feel like they are more than anything troubling you by receiving your help (and common! no honest human being enjoys bothering anybody!).

It is our good attitude while helping someone else that will bring the great feelings that we described above. Doing something for someone out of a feeling of obligation or compromise will not do any good, on the contrary, it will not only hurt the feelings of the other person, but it will make you regret the time spent (or wasted) doing the helping.


There is no other greater feeling than the feeling of being appreciated!!! People caring for people the old prophet taught is the greatest of virtues, there are many virtues, but love is the greatest. When we feel appreciation towards somebody we must show it, because having that feeling and not showing it, is just as having a wonderfully wrapped present and never gifting it. Love is the most precious thing existing, it cannot be bought, it cannot be imitated, it cannot be replaced, and it most certainly should not be denied. A father that walks out of his house to work and all day he can feel the wet kiss of his daughter's kiss on his cheek, is a powerful man! A husband who leaves the house and all day he can feel the imprints of his wife's arms around his body, is invincible!  who can touch him!? people caring for people. 

When we receive help of some sort from other people, we must show appreciation. This show of appreciation will let the person know not only that they just did a good thing, but also that they did something that you much needed and couldn't have accomplished on your own. Never forget the people that have helped you, even if they only did once. Neglecting to do so will end up getting you less and less friends over time. Friends is one of the greatest support systems in the world, friends are those wonderful people that know all about you and still like you! Don't be lazy in this area!!! Find, make and nourish your friends, be there for them they'll be there for you.
And lastly make sure that your closest friends are not just the people from your work, school, or church, but MAKE SURE that the closest friends you have are also the people living under the same roof you live in!!!

In closing, always remember this, the greatest value in life is not a house, the greatest value is not a car, a designer's piece of clothing, the greatest value in life is this: LIVING A GOOD LIFE. In the midst of your achieving, and building a family, helping other people see themselves as something they can be opposed of just something they're not, rescuing people from oblivion, helping them become a part of society, in the midst of all these, you must find a way to continually live a good life. Here's one way i found to do this, and that is to STUDY, PRACTICE & TEACH anything that is valuable to you, study, practice, and teach. 

This concludes this blog entry, its a short version of what i have come to call the 3 A's philosophy to living a good life. Until next time, Have a wonderful day, and may God bless you and your loved ones. Thanks for reading.

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